And I love an alcoholic.
Since I was 17 years old, I have struggled to cope with the alcoholism and addictions of partners and friends who have needed my support. Between the lies, the cheating, the disappearing acts, and money slipping through my fingers like sand, I felt like nothing I could do was ever enough.
I spent so much time feeling afraid, anxious and suspicious, and this led me to feel hopeless, confused, and just totally lost. I ended up trapped in “detective mode,” -- snooping, interrogating, always trying to “catch them in the act,” which inevitably, led to fighting and feelings of betrayal. I tried everything to “fix the problem” -- the problem in my mind being the drinking, drugs, and self-sabotaging behavior. It's like I was on a mission to force them into getting better so I could stop suffering.
After repeating this pattern many times over, with new partners and new friends, my life ended up in absolute chaos. I desperately needed someone to reach a hand out to me, to show me that recovery from my own suffering was possible.
My recovery experience is a story of its own. It took a lot of money, and a lot of mistakes (and so much wasted time on programs and teachings that made the problem worse).
But through my journey, I’ve learned the secret to supporting others by maintaining my own emotional freedom and happiness. Once that foundation was solid, and my emotional alchemy skills were well honed, supporting the recovery of those in my life who struggle with substance abuse is a breeze and a true joy.
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about addiction that might have kept me from becoming the person I could be for them, and that would have kept me from the total happiness and freedom I feel now. If I had not made it my mission to learn everything I can about substance abuse, recovery, and about myself, I very easily could have continued to be part of the problem, not just for them, but for every person I might ever meet, who might be struggling with addiction.
Now, I have a new mission: to be a lighthouse.
That's why I created The Recovery Revolution.
I know what I’ve learned can help partners of alcoholics and addicts to become the powerful lighthouse to recovery that the world needs, without spending thousands of dollars and making so many dangerous mistakes to get there like I did. I want to help others in my position get out of “detective mode” or “savior mode,” restore peace, and repair their relationships -- without losing themselves in the process.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I am so honored to have you with me. Together, we can create a world of understanding, compassion, and healing.